All posts by: Blooming Buds

About Blooming Buds

The students of Blooming Buds School expressed their respect and love for their teachers by celebrating it with a lot of grandeur and zeal. School was decorated beautifully. The program commenced by paying tribute to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan with the photo pooja followed by the lighting of the traditional lamp. Students gave speeches depicting the […]

In Blooming Buds School, passion and excitement were on their peak to celebrate Janmashtami on the 7th of September 2023. Lighting of the traditional lamp was followed by the rocking of the highly decorated cradle of the infant Lord Krishna. Several speeches were given by the students and melodious songs were also sung by them. […]

Blooming Buds School celebrates the National Sports Day with enthusiasm. Various activities were conducted to mark the importance of National Sports Day on this day. Children enjoyed participating in colouring, drawing and fancy dress competitions and displayed their talents. Quiz competition based on Sports was conducted for the students of classes 8 to 10. The […]