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16Jun 2023

BLOOMING BUDS SCHOOLS Parent’s orientation program BBS conducted an orientation program for the parents of pre-primary school on 16th of June 2023 from 11:00am to 1:00pm. In the premises of BBS The resource person were Miss Shivani Verma , Miss Pallavi Shukla and Miss Sweta Jha. Their inspirational and motivational talk made the parents highly […]

28Apr 2023

Blooming Buds School,Belagavi organized “Investiture ceremony” on 28/04/23.This Event is where students stand on a brink of new chapter in their life being leaders of School council. “Investiture ” is to sash and badge the leaders of the cabinet. Chief Guest Col.K Shrinivas (  Commander NCC grp head quarters ,Belagavi) ,Mrs Rakshita Ghatge(MD .Blooming Buds […]