Latest News

12Nov 2020

Pre-Primary celebrated Orange day and Red  day in the September  and October respectively. Students Wore dresses in red and orange colour which helped them to understand the different colours.

12Nov 2020

Virtual Warli painting competition was held in the month of August for students of Std 7th. Students actively participated in the competition. Judging was done and results were declared.

12Nov 2020

Library day was celebrated in the month of August. Garlanding  of the photo Goddess Sarswati  and lighting of the lamp was done by Principal ma’am , Librarian and other staff.

12Nov 2020

On 14th  and  15th  August 2020 Virtual fancy dress Competition was held for pre-primary and students of 1st and 2nd  .The Student  were dressed  up as national leaders and spoke few lines about their character.

11Nov 2020

On 23rd October 2020 Dasara was celebrated by the staff of Blooming Buds School. Garlanding the photograph of Goddess Durga and Lighting of the lamp was done by Principal ma’am and all the staff.

11Nov 2020

On 1st November 2020  Karnataka Rajyotsava was celebrated by the staff of Blooming Buds School to bring out the significance of the formation of our state , Karnataka. Garlanding of the photograph of  Goddess Bhuvaneshwari Devi  was done  and speeches were given online by several students depicting the importance  of the occasion.